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Updated 23 Jun, 2020 09:16pm

Can Online Shopping Be Therapeutic?

How many times have you ordered something you don't need but you feel like going for it anyway? Maybe it was the bad day or at the moment you were just bummed. Here is one thing you should know, you are not alone. Many people have reported that they use shopping to feel better about themselves.


It's a universal fact that people shop excessively when they're in some transition period or when they are going through a rollercoaster of emotions. Shopping enhances the mood and makes one feel worthy. Before there was no evidence to confirm this hypothesis but now there are empirical researches that affirm this hypothesis.


The researches support the fact that bad mood leads to higher purchasing. They say that retail therapy has lasting positive impacts on mood. Also, the unplanned purchases made to repair the dejected mood were not correlated with feelings of remorse and guilt.


According to the researchers, the psyche behind it all is that shopping gives you a sense of control because you make your own decisions about what to buy and what not. This gives you the illusion that you have got your life together.


On the one hand, shopping can be helpful in your difficult times. While, on the other hand, it can consume a chunk of your precious time and money. Most important thing is that shopping might help you to avoid your actual problems for some time but you can't escape your problems for long. In long term, retail therapy gives rise to more problems than it solves.


In any scenario, everything is good in moderation. If your shopping is getting out of control or retail therapy is not working as expected, then it is advisable to consult a professional or a therapist.


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